Pawsitive Pet Place
Dedicated, Knowledgeable, Caring

Personalized and Professional
Dog Training, Walking and Pet Care Service
Providing a variety of services to keep your precious pets
Happy, Healthy and Thriving.

Call today for your Complimentary Consultation

Puppy Visits
Bringing home a new puppy is so exciting! But, it is also a huge responsibility and commitment. Puppies don't come with a good manners stamp of approval. Puppies have a long list of requirements that must be met for their overall well-being (Not to mention your wood floors and carpeting).
Good habits must be learned and reinforced. Puppy visits are designed to help you during the critical period of 8 weeks to one year of age where early socialization and puppy training are essential to their success as a happy well-adjusted dog and your success as a dog owner. House training, leash training, and basic obedience need to be addressed immediately and be consistent and on-going.
2 Twenty minute visits (weekday) $35
Based on 5 days a week on-going regular visits
Holidays are an additional $10
Weekends are an extra $5 per visit